Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ni Hao

Well, its officially been 3 weeks on the ground, and 2 weeks since I set this blog up, so I figured I should quit procrastinating and actually write something.

So, here we go. The first thing I should say is why I am doing this (besides the love of my own wit, especially in written form). Here they are:
  1. I think it will be the best way for all (that means the 3 of you actually taking the time to read this) to keep in touch, stay abreast of my time and adventures in this wonderful, awe inspiring and somewhat terrifying place.
  2. Seeing as I know no one, I have a lot of spare time to pontificate.
  3. There is a certain therapeutic value in being able to explain, vent and generally spew diatribes that will help me keep my sanity while here
  4. Some one said I should (and no I'm not making this up).
So now that's outta the way, here is the run down of what's been accomplished to date:
  • Got a place in a building called Oakwood Residence. Its rad. Lots of cushy amenities and it turns out its a block away from the biggest bar/restaurant street in Beijing (Gotta be lucky to be good). And yes it has a spare room and yes you can stay.

  • Started work. It's good. I was told "produce or you go", so there is no pressure. No that was not paraphrased.

  • Tried every variety of Asian food possible. Top of the list is Kung Pao Chicken. No it's not like Chinese food back home and yes I have eaten freaky sh*t. The latest was pig's tail yesterday.

  • Managed to FINALLY make it to the Great Wall. It's great and it's a wall, it's name is well chosen.

  • Have gone to the markets (will explain that phenomenon later), and Walmart. Like the food, it's just not the same.

  • My word count of Mandarin words is up to a whopping 6, and yes 4 revolve around food and booze.

  • Yes, there is some culture shock, but luckily Beijing has enough white kid friendly stuff to keep me sane. It was summed up best to me by one expat as "every one has their China days", but for the most part, so far so good.

  • Traffic here is dumbfounding. The following link sums it up nicely:
Well, I think that is enough for now.

Random thought of the day (I spend a lot of time stuck in traffic):

There are currently 1.34 Billion people on main land China. If you were to try and high five (or punch in the head, depending on the day your having) every Chinese person here, given that it would take 2 seconds (to cock, lock and pop) each time to do so, it would take you 845 years to accomplish. Given the current average age expectancy of 67 years, it would take 12 people a life time to accomplish. I smell a challenge.


  1. More blog posts please! Sounds like China is treating you well so far. Get to work on those high fives.

  2. 喂你胖乎乎小金发的人 ....
    是开发票小组 here.we 关于你和制作在瓷器方面的某物的街在传播谣言。我们确定所有国家将卖掉它如果你想。无论如何,你有的希望一个伟大的 时间猴子人。

    and Agnieszka ( the pregnant one)

  3. Hey, Dirty Mouse Bastard. How's it hanging? Hope you're being good, or at least careful. Don't make any babies with your girlfriend while she's visiting!

  4. I'm sure you already checked but Chona's transaltion according to Google:

    Hey you chubby blond small people ....
    Invoice here. We group are about you and the production of porcelain at the street side of something in the dissemination of rumors. Sure that all our country will sell it if you want to. Anyway, hope you have a great time Monkey people.

    Tell me more about porcelain production at the street side please!
